
PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 by AUTEM is a software system for logic analysis and recording of measured values in PLC-controlled facilities. Acquisition, representation and evaluation of PLC signals such as input, output, flags, timer, counter, data of data blocks, is now very easy. In addition, video data can also be recorded synchronously with the PLC process data (Videotrack module).

Fields of application

  • Failure diagnosis
  • Detecting and localizing of sporadic errors
  • Cycle time optimization
  • Long-term recording of measured values
  • System documentation, TPM/OEE, EU-Machinery directive
  • Condition monitoring | Predictive maintenance
  • Warranty: incorruptible clarification
  • Quality assurance
  • Installation, development, maintenance

Live display allows the observation of the signal waveform in real time. Analysis and evaluation can already be carried out at the time of recording. In addition to long-term recording, trigger conditions can be specified for the acquisition of particular events. This allows rarely occurring sporadic errors to be specifically recorded for later analysis.

PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 has the decisive advantage of recording process data via standardized PLC interfaces. For example, for SIMATIC S7 signals can be acquired using TCP/IP PROFINET or MPI/PPI, PROFIBUS. All CODESYS communication paths, OPC-UA and many other PLC connections of various manufacturers are supported.

A programming device or notebook, that is connected for the purpose of programming the PLC, can be used for recoding process data without modification. By means of high-performance PLC drivers (in-house development) the PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 achieves sampling rates, which would not be possible with a OPC-UA-based solution.

The tiresome process of hooking up monitoring cables is now a thing of the past. Cycle-precise recording* is attractive because of the complete acquisition of measured values in each PLC cycle. Up to 16 million variables from 250 signal sources can be recorded simultaneously (theoretical values).

PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 simplifies the signal selection by using symbol files or projects of the PLC programming software. Loading e.g. a TIA / STEP7 project makes all settings and variables immediately available. Symbols can also be imported directly from the TIA PLC.

The Videotrack module provides additional visual support for troubleshooting by video recording synchronous to the PLC signal acquisition. This is a great help for error analysis on machines and systems, since the mechanical situation can be viewed synchronously with the process data using the video frame.

The Virtual HMI module helps to clarify plant accidents involving human operators. The subsequent HMI visualization from recorded process data makes it easier to detect possible operating errors. The HMI visualization can also take place live during the recording.

By using the measurement interface AD_USB-Box® external voltage and current signals, which are not available in the PLC, can also be recorded. This is also very helpful in case of the demand of capturing I/Os from PLCs, for which a specific PLC driver is not available.

For a direct integration of PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 in the facility, AUTEM offers the ultra compact BLACKBOX 4 Edge. This special IPC allows autarkic process data archiving over long periods of time. Thanks to numerous remote connection possibilities – 4G/5G-Modem, WAN, LAN – the BLACKBOX 4 Edge is ideally suitable for machine remote service.

PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 is an indispensable tool for fault diagnosis, maintenance, predictive maintenance, plc programming, plant documentation or cycle time optimization.

AUTEM offers a customer-friendly licensing concept (incl. maintenance & support) with primary and additional licenses for the equipment of one or more workstations. For prices and part-numbers please refer to our current price list.

SPS-ANALYZER pro 6 - universeller Einsatz
PLC-ANALYZER pro 6: Indispensable aid in everyday industrial use

Check Icon One tool, everything under control – PLC-ANALYZER pro 6
Virtual HMI module for PLC-ANALYZER pro 6

Typical fields of application

PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 - Fields of application

Whether failure diagnosis or machine documentation, support during commissioning or warrenty questions – PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 will not let you down! Here are some concrete fields of application for PLC-ANALYZER pro 6:

Diagnosis of sporadic faults

Diagnosis of sporadic faults

By focused monitoring of relevant signals, the sporadic error can be captured and the associated components are effectively isolated.
Cycle time optimization

Cycle time optimization

The investigation of delay times of a production system, e.g. by exact measurement of acknowledgement signals, supports actions to optimize the machine.
Condition monitoring

Condition monitoring

The target/actual comparison of the runtime behavior of the system allows to draw conclusions regarding possible failures and serves as a basis for preventive maintenance.
Troubleshooting with video support

Troubleshooting with video support

With the time-synchronous video track - in addition to the PLC process signals - troubleshooting is meaningful supported in many cases.
Machine documentation

Machine documentation

Machine manufacturers and customers can document the runtime behavior of the system down to the finest detail and check or verify specifications.
Warranty questions

Warranty / Guarantee

The objective measurement and recording of the process signals allows unambiguous clarification of responsibility in warranty issues.

Technical features

  • All-in-One: Project setup, recording, analysis in one tool
  • Pure software solution: No special additional hardware required
  • No need to make any changes in the PLC program
  • Data recording via existing connection to the PLC (Ethernet TCP/IP, serial, Fieldbus, …)
  • High-performance sampling by specific PLC drivers
  • Recording of input, output, flag, timer, counter, peripheral, data of data blocks and other PLC variables
  • Use symbols directly from the PLC programming software, e.g. load TIA projects and use symbols / settings
  • Import symbols also directly from TIA PLCs
  • Optimized data blocks (S7 1200/1500): Variables direct readable
  • bit-, byte-, word-, double- or quad-word format
  • Pseudo signals: generating of virtual signals by [complex] calculation from recorded signals
  • Simultaneous acquisition from several PLC systems / also different manufactures (e.g. SIMATIC S7 + CODESYS)
  • Up to 250 signal sources / 16 million variables (theoretical values)
  • Videotrack (optional): Camera recording synchronous with PLC signal capturing
  • Cycle precise recording for different PLC systems
  • Supports PC based PLC (e.g. Beckhoff TwinCAT) and PLC simulators (e.g. S7-PLCSIM)
  • Recording modes: continuous recording, trigger-, time-controlled
  • Enable/Disable of addresses and triggers during recording
  • Real-time online display of signals
  • Comfortable PLC signal selection for online window by drag & drop
  • Analysis of signal data possible while recording
  • Highly accurate display of signals with short-term fluctuations of measured values („spikes“)
  • Comfortable trigger definition by drag & drop
  • Trigger on binary and register values with AND/OR/XOR/RS and cascading
  • Pre- and post-trigger time freely selectable
  • Extensive trigger actions: Notification (E-Mail, SMS, acoustic announcement, pop-up-window), any PC-commands
  • Comparing of signal files
  • Search function: search for trigger, edge, bit pattern, register values, time and notes – even across several signal files
  • Time difference measurement and automatic bit measurement
  • Relative and absolute data-time
  • Flexible signal scaling and normalization – e.g. conversion in physical units or min/max-ajustment of measured value
  • Number format: decimal, hexadecimal, binary, ASCII, REAL (floating point), S5-TIME, TIME, DATE, DATETIME
  • Projects for pre-configuring and automating data acquisition runs
  • Extreme robust and compact file format
  • Multiple data targets at the same time: e.g. simultaneous writing of signal file and CSV file
  • Export of signal files: PDF, CSV, Excel, HTML, graphic formats
  • Import of CSV files: visualisation of other measure values
  • Printing of signal files and measurement configuration
  • Multilingual user interface: German / English
  • System requirements: Microsoft® Windows 7/8/10/11 (32/64-Bit)
  • AD_USB-Box® (optional): Recording of external voltage and current with external box connected via USB
  • Videotrack module (optional): The Videotrack module enables video recording time-synchronous to PLC signal capturing.
  • BLACKBOX 4 Edge (optional): Ultra-compact special IPC for control cabinet; long-term process data recording, monitoring, remote maintenance

PLC driver

PLC driverInterfaceRemarkManual
Siemens SIMATIC S7 / TIAEthernet TCP/IP, PROFINETTIA-Portal compatible, cycle precise* (also for SIMATIC C7, M7, S7-PLCSIM, SINUMERIK S7, VIPA S7, Insevis S7, Yaskawa SLIO/300S+)
Siemens SIMATIC S7 / TIAMPI/PPI, PROFIBUSTIA-Portal compatible, cycle precise* (also for SIMATIC C7, M7, S7-PLCSIM, SINUMERIK S7, VIPA S7, Insevis S7, Yaskawa SLIO/300S+)
Siemens SIMATIC S5 / SINUMERIKprogramming interface, Ethernet TCP/IPcycle precise*
Siemens LOGO!programming interface, Ethernet TCP/IP
CODESYSAll common protocols (e.g. Ethernet TCP/IP, CAN)For all CODESYS based PLCs, e.g. ABB, Berghoff, Bosch Rexroth, Eaton, Elau, Festo, Hitachi, KEBA, Lenze, Schneider, Hans Turck, WAGO etc. If available, we recommend the use of the specific PLC driver due to better performance, e.g. with BECKHOFF TwinCAT, HITACHI.
BECKHOFF TwinCATEthernet TCP/IPRecording TwinCAT variables
OPC UARecording data from OPC UA servers via Ethernet TCP/IPFor all OPC UA compatible PLCs/devices/sensors. If available, we recommend the use of the specific PLC driver due to better performance (see list of PLC drivers).
B&RSerial, Ethernet TCP/IP
PILZ PSS / PNOZprogramming interface
Allen-Bradley ControlLogix / PLC / SLCDF1 / DH+/ DH-485
Allen-Bradley Compact/ControlLogix / PLC / SLCEthernet TCP/IP
PHOENIXEthernet TCP/IPcycle precise*
BOSCH CLprogramming interface (BUEP19E)
GE FanucSerie 90 / VersaMax / Nano / Microprogramming interface (SNP)
GE Fanuc CNC / PMCHSSB / Ethernet TCP/IP
Fanuc R-30i / R-J3iEthernet TCP/IP
OMRON C / CV / CS1 / NJ / NX / NY / CJ2programming interface (Host Link) / Ethernet TCP/IP
MITSUBISHI MELSEC Q / L / A / FXprogramming interface
Schneider Modicon TSX Quantum / MomentumCompact - Modbus I / Modbus Plus
Schneider Modicon TSX Quantum / MomentumCompact / M - Modbus TCP/IP
Schneider Modicon TSX Premium / Atrium
Micro / Nano - Uni-Telway / TCP/IP
Schneider AEG TSX A250 / A120 / Microprogramming interface (KS)
SelectronEthernet TCP/IP
Jetter JetControl / Delta / NanoSerial / Jetway / PC-PPLC / Ethernet TCP/IP
HITACHI H / EH-150 / Micro-EHprogramming interface / Ethernet TCP/IP
Videotrack moduleLAN/WiFi (IP/GigE Vision) / USBSoftware connection for IP / GigE Vision / USB cameras | Video recording time-synchronous with PLC signal acquisition. Great help in fault analysis, as the video image also allows the mechanical situation to be viewed alongside the process data.
Virtual HMI moduleAll AUTEM (PLC-)DriversHMI visualisation live or afterwards from recorded process data | Extremely helpful in the clarification of plant accidents involving human operators.
AD_USB-Box®USBRecording of external voltage and current signals | The AD_USB-Box enables you to acquire external measured variables parallel to the data acquisition from the PLC, which are not available within the PLC.

*depending of PLC type

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User manual PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 - (10/22)pdf
First steps (installation)pdf
Price listpdf
DEMO PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 (v6.4.4.0)pdf
Update PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 (v6.4.7.1)pdf
Available PLC drivers for PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 | manuals


PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 by AUTEM is a software system for logic analysis and recording of measured values in PLC-controlled facilities. Acquisition, representation and evaluation of PLC signals such as input, output, flags, timer, counter, data of data blocks, is now very easy. In addition, video data can also be recorded synchronously with the PLC process data (Videotrack module).

Fields of application

  • Failure diagnosis
  • Detecting and localizing of sporadic errors
  • Cycle time optimization
  • Long-term recording of measured values
  • System documentation, TPM/OEE, EU-Machinery directive
  • Condition monitoring | Predictive maintenance
  • Warranty: incorruptible clarification
  • Quality assurance
  • Installation, development, maintenance

Live display allows the observation of the signal waveform in real time. Analysis and evaluation can already be carried out at the time of recording. In addition to long-term recording, trigger conditions can be specified for the acquisition of particular events. This allows rarely occurring sporadic errors to be specifically recorded for later analysis.

PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 has the decisive advantage of recording process data via standardized PLC interfaces. For example, for SIMATIC S7 signals can be acquired using TCP/IP PROFINET or MPI/PPI, PROFIBUS. All CODESYS communication paths, OPC-UA and many other PLC connections of various manufacturers are supported.

A programming device or notebook, that is connected for the purpose of programming the PLC, can be used for recoding process data without modification. By means of high-performance PLC drivers (in-house development) the PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 achieves sampling rates, which would not be possible with a OPC-UA-based solution.

The tiresome process of hooking up monitoring cables is now a thing of the past. Cycle-precise recording* is attractive because of the complete acquisition of measured values in each PLC cycle. Up to 16 million variables from 250 signal sources can be recorded simultaneously (theoretical values).

PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 simplifies the signal selection by using symbol files or projects of the PLC programming software. Loading e.g. a TIA / STEP7 project makes all settings and variables immediately available. Symbols can also be imported directly from the TIA PLC.

The Videotrack module provides additional visual support for troubleshooting by video recording synchronous to the PLC signal acquisition. This is a great help for error analysis on machines and systems, since the mechanical situation can be viewed synchronously with the process data using the video frame.

The Virtual HMI module helps to clarify plant accidents involving human operators. The subsequent HMI visualization from recorded process data makes it easier to detect possible operating errors. The HMI visualization can also take place live during the recording.

By using the measurement interface AD_USB-Box® external voltage and current signals, which are not available in the PLC, can also be recorded. This is also very helpful in case of the demand of capturing I/Os from PLCs, for which a specific PLC driver is not available.

For a direct integration of PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 in the facility, AUTEM offers the ultra compact BLACKBOX 4 Edge. This special IPC allows autarkic process data archiving over long periods of time. Thanks to numerous remote connection possibilities – 4G/5G-Modem, WAN, LAN – the BLACKBOX 4 Edge is ideally suitable for machine remote service.

PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 is an indispensable tool for fault diagnosis, maintenance, predictive maintenance, plc programming, plant documentation or cycle time optimization.

AUTEM offers a customer-friendly licensing concept (incl. maintenance & support) with primary and additional licenses for the equipment of one or more workstations. For prices and part-numbers please refer to our current price list.

SPS-ANALYZER pro 6 - universeller Einsatz
PLC-ANALYZER pro 6: Indispensable aid in everyday industrial use

Check Icon One tool, everything under control – PLC-ANALYZER pro 6
Virtual HMI module for PLC-ANALYZER pro 6
Fields of application

Typical fields of application

PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 - Fields of application

Whether failure diagnosis or machine documentation, support during commissioning or warrenty questions – PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 will not let you down! Here are some concrete fields of application for PLC-ANALYZER pro 6:

Diagnosis of sporadic faults

Diagnosis of sporadic faults

By focused monitoring of relevant signals, the sporadic error can be captured and the associated components are effectively isolated.
Cycle time optimization

Cycle time optimization

The investigation of delay times of a production system, e.g. by exact measurement of acknowledgement signals, supports actions to optimize the machine.
Condition monitoring

Condition monitoring

The target/actual comparison of the runtime behavior of the system allows to draw conclusions regarding possible failures and serves as a basis for preventive maintenance.
Troubleshooting with video support

Troubleshooting with video support

With the time-synchronous video track - in addition to the PLC process signals - troubleshooting is meaningful supported in many cases.
Machine documentation

Machine documentation

Machine manufacturers and customers can document the runtime behavior of the system down to the finest detail and check or verify specifications.
Warranty questions

Warranty / Guarantee

The objective measurement and recording of the process signals allows unambiguous clarification of responsibility in warranty issues.
Technical features

Technical features

  • All-in-One: Project setup, recording, analysis in one tool
  • Pure software solution: No special additional hardware required
  • No need to make any changes in the PLC program
  • Data recording via existing connection to the PLC (Ethernet TCP/IP, serial, Fieldbus, …)
  • High-performance sampling by specific PLC drivers
  • Recording of input, output, flag, timer, counter, peripheral, data of data blocks and other PLC variables
  • Use symbols directly from the PLC programming software, e.g. load TIA projects and use symbols / settings
  • Import symbols also directly from TIA PLCs
  • Optimized data blocks (S7 1200/1500): Variables direct readable
  • bit-, byte-, word-, double- or quad-word format
  • Pseudo signals: generating of virtual signals by [complex] calculation from recorded signals
  • Simultaneous acquisition from several PLC systems / also different manufactures (e.g. SIMATIC S7 + CODESYS)
  • Up to 250 signal sources / 16 million variables (theoretical values)
  • Videotrack (optional): Camera recording synchronous with PLC signal capturing
  • Cycle precise recording for different PLC systems
  • Supports PC based PLC (e.g. Beckhoff TwinCAT) and PLC simulators (e.g. S7-PLCSIM)
  • Recording modes: continuous recording, trigger-, time-controlled
  • Enable/Disable of addresses and triggers during recording
  • Real-time online display of signals
  • Comfortable PLC signal selection for online window by drag & drop
  • Analysis of signal data possible while recording
  • Highly accurate display of signals with short-term fluctuations of measured values („spikes“)
  • Comfortable trigger definition by drag & drop
  • Trigger on binary and register values with AND/OR/XOR/RS and cascading
  • Pre- and post-trigger time freely selectable
  • Extensive trigger actions: Notification (E-Mail, SMS, acoustic announcement, pop-up-window), any PC-commands
  • Comparing of signal files
  • Search function: search for trigger, edge, bit pattern, register values, time and notes – even across several signal files
  • Time difference measurement and automatic bit measurement
  • Relative and absolute data-time
  • Flexible signal scaling and normalization – e.g. conversion in physical units or min/max-ajustment of measured value
  • Number format: decimal, hexadecimal, binary, ASCII, REAL (floating point), S5-TIME, TIME, DATE, DATETIME
  • Projects for pre-configuring and automating data acquisition runs
  • Extreme robust and compact file format
  • Multiple data targets at the same time: e.g. simultaneous writing of signal file and CSV file
  • Export of signal files: PDF, CSV, Excel, HTML, graphic formats
  • Import of CSV files: visualisation of other measure values
  • Printing of signal files and measurement configuration
  • Multilingual user interface: German / English
  • System requirements: Microsoft® Windows 7/8/10/11 (32/64-Bit)
  • AD_USB-Box® (optional): Recording of external voltage and current with external box connected via USB
  • Videotrack module (optional): The Videotrack module enables video recording time-synchronous to PLC signal capturing.
  • BLACKBOX 4 Edge (optional): Ultra-compact special IPC for control cabinet; long-term process data recording, monitoring, remote maintenance
PLC driver

PLC driver

PLC driverInterfaceRemarkManual
Siemens SIMATIC S7 / TIAEthernet TCP/IP, PROFINETTIA-Portal compatible, cycle precise* (also for SIMATIC C7, M7, S7-PLCSIM, SINUMERIK S7, VIPA S7, Insevis S7, Yaskawa SLIO/300S+)
Siemens SIMATIC S7 / TIAMPI/PPI, PROFIBUSTIA-Portal compatible, cycle precise* (also for SIMATIC C7, M7, S7-PLCSIM, SINUMERIK S7, VIPA S7, Insevis S7, Yaskawa SLIO/300S+)
Siemens SIMATIC S5 / SINUMERIKprogramming interface, Ethernet TCP/IPcycle precise*
Siemens LOGO!programming interface, Ethernet TCP/IP
CODESYSAll common protocols (e.g. Ethernet TCP/IP, CAN)For all CODESYS based PLCs, e.g. ABB, Berghoff, Bosch Rexroth, Eaton, Elau, Festo, Hitachi, KEBA, Lenze, Schneider, Hans Turck, WAGO etc. If available, we recommend the use of the specific PLC driver due to better performance, e.g. with BECKHOFF TwinCAT, HITACHI.
BECKHOFF TwinCATEthernet TCP/IPRecording TwinCAT variables
OPC UARecording data from OPC UA servers via Ethernet TCP/IPFor all OPC UA compatible PLCs/devices/sensors. If available, we recommend the use of the specific PLC driver due to better performance (see list of PLC drivers).
B&RSerial, Ethernet TCP/IP
PILZ PSS / PNOZprogramming interface
Allen-Bradley ControlLogix / PLC / SLCDF1 / DH+/ DH-485
Allen-Bradley Compact/ControlLogix / PLC / SLCEthernet TCP/IP
PHOENIXEthernet TCP/IPcycle precise*
BOSCH CLprogramming interface (BUEP19E)
GE FanucSerie 90 / VersaMax / Nano / Microprogramming interface (SNP)
GE Fanuc CNC / PMCHSSB / Ethernet TCP/IP
Fanuc R-30i / R-J3iEthernet TCP/IP
OMRON C / CV / CS1 / NJ / NX / NY / CJ2programming interface (Host Link) / Ethernet TCP/IP
MITSUBISHI MELSEC Q / L / A / FXprogramming interface
Schneider Modicon TSX Quantum / MomentumCompact - Modbus I / Modbus Plus
Schneider Modicon TSX Quantum / MomentumCompact / M - Modbus TCP/IP
Schneider Modicon TSX Premium / Atrium
Micro / Nano - Uni-Telway / TCP/IP
Schneider AEG TSX A250 / A120 / Microprogramming interface (KS)
SelectronEthernet TCP/IP
Jetter JetControl / Delta / NanoSerial / Jetway / PC-PPLC / Ethernet TCP/IP
HITACHI H / EH-150 / Micro-EHprogramming interface / Ethernet TCP/IP
Videotrack moduleLAN/WiFi (IP/GigE Vision) / USBSoftware connection for IP / GigE Vision / USB cameras | Video recording time-synchronous with PLC signal acquisition. Great help in fault analysis, as the video image also allows the mechanical situation to be viewed alongside the process data.
Virtual HMI moduleAll AUTEM (PLC-)DriversHMI visualisation live or afterwards from recorded process data | Extremely helpful in the clarification of plant accidents involving human operators.
AD_USB-Box®USBRecording of external voltage and current signals | The AD_USB-Box enables you to acquire external measured variables parallel to the data acquisition from the PLC, which are not available within the PLC.

*depending of PLC type


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Data sheet PLC-ANALYZER pro 6pdf
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User manual PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 - (10/22)pdf
First steps (installation)pdf
Price listpdf
DEMO PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 (v6.4.4.0)pdf
Update PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 (v6.4.7.1)pdf
Available PLC drivers for PLC-ANALYZER pro 6 | manuals